Teen Calls Out Traditional Dad for Double Standards and Uncovers Family Secret

Teenage girl frustrated by dad.
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Breaking gender norms at school dance, a refreshing change 🎉

thrwy_sluttydad | thrwy_sluttydad

Teen challenges dad's double standards about dating 😒🙄

thrwy_sluttydad | thrwy_sluttydad

Teen confronts dad's double standards and discovers shocking family secret 😱

thrwy_sluttydad | thrwy_sluttydad

Teenager confronts dad for double standards and stumbles upon family secret

thrwy_sluttydad | thrwy_sluttydad

Speaking truth to dad: Teen takes on double standards 👊

thrwy_sluttydad | thrwy_sluttydad

Will this guy pass the 'nice friend' test? 👀

thrwy_sluttydad | thrwy_sluttydad

👀 Teen confronts dad's double standards over dance expectations

thrwy_sluttydad | thrwy_sluttydad

Teen confronts dad about frat past in heated argument 🔥

thrwy_sluttydad | thrwy_sluttydad

Teen exposes dad's double standards and family secret 👀

thrwy_sluttydad | thrwy_sluttydad

Teen confronts dad's double standards and uncovers family secret 👀

thrwy_sluttydad | thrwy_sluttydad

Teen confronts dad on double standards and faces consequences. AITA?

thrwy_sluttydad | thrwy_sluttydad

Teen's bravery exposes family secret and double standards 💪

thrwy_sluttydad | thrwy_sluttydad

Teen comes out of the closet and uncovers family secret 😲

thrwy_sluttydad | thrwy_sluttydad

Teen struggles with sexuality and family acceptance. 🌈

thrwy_sluttydad | thrwy_sluttydad

Teen apologizes to mom and confronts dad's double standards 😔

thrwy_sluttydad | thrwy_sluttydad

Teen exposes dad's double standards and uncovers shocking family secret 👀

thrwy_sluttydad | thrwy_sluttydad

Teen confronts dad's double standards and reveals shocking secret 🔥

thrwy_sluttydad | thrwy_sluttydad

A mysterious look reveals a hidden family secret 👀

thrwy_sluttydad | thrwy_sluttydad

The moment when everything changed 👀

thrwy_sluttydad | thrwy_sluttydad

What did that look mean? 🤔

thrwy_sluttydad | thrwy_sluttydad

The moment of truth: uncovering family secrets 👀

thrwy_sluttydad | thrwy_sluttydad

Teen's realization leads to uncovering family secret 👀

thrwy_sluttydad | thrwy_sluttydad

Teen hides in room as tension mounts at home 🏠

thrwy_sluttydad | thrwy_sluttydad

What could be the secret? 🤔 Stay tuned to find out!

thrwy_sluttydad | thrwy_sluttydad

A teenager uncovers family secret while challenging double standards 🙌

thrwy_sluttydad | thrwy_sluttydad

Teen uncovers family secret after calling out dad's double standards 🤐

In this story, a teenager calls out their dad for his double standards when it comes to traditional dating, but things take a turn when an argument about self-respect leads to uncovering a family secret. The teen gets angry at being talked to like a "sl*tty girl" and decides to confront her dad about his past. She later told her dad not to ever worry about guys, and that's when it clicked with him that she just came out.

Read on to see how the family drama unfolds and how the teen navigates the aftermath of her confrontation. We will also look at what people had to say in Reddit's comments section.

Teen stands up to slut-shaming dad and uncovers family secret 🤯

the-Lady-Lazarus | the-Lady-Lazarus

NTA for standing up to misogynistic dad, but apologize to mom. Congrats on coming out!

thekelsey21 | thekelsey21

Standing up to double standards and misogyny with a justice boner 🤜💥

JennaLS | JennaLS

Teen shuts down mom's double standards with epic comeback 💥

Ill_Wishbone_210 | Ill_Wishbone_210

👍 Not the a**hole! Teen exposes dad's double standards.

LennyBrisco01 | LennyBrisco01

Teen calls out dad's double standards, discovers family secret. Commenters call out dad's toxic behavior and mom's complicity.

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA exposes dad's double standards and family secret 👀👀

meifahs_musungs | meifahs_musungs

Teen justifiably calls out dad for double standards and family secret 😲

scrambledmeggs12 | scrambledmeggs12

Commenter hilariously points out double standards in a family feud 😂

Deradius | Deradius

Teen bravely stands up to double standards. Mom and dad exposed 🤐

TreeCityKitty | TreeCityKitty

Daughter stands up to traditional dad and wins praise 👏

SleepiiFoxGirl | SleepiiFoxGirl

A complex ESH situation where the daughter lashes out at her mom for not standing up to her sexist dad, but commenters point out the mom's own upbringing and societal pressures. Some argue NTA since the mom enabled the dad's behavior, while others caution against judging the mom's actions without knowing the full context of her life. Emphasis on the daughter being the only one whose behavior she can control.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Supportive commenter checks on OP's well-being and receives a clever update 🤗

ShadowJDarkus | ShadowJDarkus

Daughter claps back at hypocritical, misogynistic dad. 🙌🔥🙌🔥🙌🔥🙌

PTXLover_4Eva | PTXLover_4Eva

Finding courage in a fast food chain 🌮

Nathy25 | Nathy25

Heartwarming adoption offer for a brave and inspiring teen ❤️

Masta-Blasta | Masta-Blasta

Proud mom of a lesbian daughter praises teen's writing skills 👏🏽

the_taco_life | the_taco_life

Double standards and family secrets, this teen's dad sounds awful 😔

inamedmycatbean | inamedmycatbean

Breaking double standards: A young woman's heroic stand 🦸‍♀️

tmoney523 | tmoney523

Father praises OP's strength and empathy, hopes to emulate daughter's behavior 👏

jynfinnigan | jynfinnigan

Daughter defends herself and calls out mother's inaction. 👏

Due-Ad-1871 | Due-Ad-1871

Standing up against slut-shaming and double standards. 👏

marshmall00 | marshmall00

Teen confronts dad about double standards, but crosses the line

8HannahannaH9 | 8HannahannaH9

NTA. Double standards are degrading to women, not sex.

genomerain | genomerain

Supportive community member praises teen for standing up to dad ❤️

louisemichele | louisemichele

Standing up to toxic masculinity - NTA is an icon 🙌

Annoying-donut | Annoying-donut

Teen comes out to traditional dad and seeks support from counselor.

NewLife_21 | NewLife_21

Supportive comment shares humorous article to deal with double standards.

Anxious-Marketing525 | Anxious-Marketing525

16-year-old stands up to misogynistic dad after first kiss 💪

faeriechyld | faeriechyld

Commenter calls out teenager for attacking wrong parent 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Smart teen girl calls out misogyny and uncovers family secret 👏

anathema_deviced | anathema_deviced

Commenter calls out both OP and their father for double standards.

TurbulentJudge1000 | TurbulentJudge1000

Breaking traditional norms: Teen stands up against misogyny 🙅‍♀️

Marchesa_07 | Marchesa_07

Empowering response to a father's disturbing behavior towards his daughter 💪👩‍👧

Ukacelody | Ukacelody

Discovering family secrets through double standard call-out. 🕵️‍♀️

jadepumpkin1984 | jadepumpkin1984

Teen exposes dad's double standards and family secret, deemed NTA 👏

rosinall | rosinall

Empowering comment applauds self-respect and fluid sexuality 🙌

AntiquePangolin | AntiquePangolin

Supportive comment applauds teen for standing up to double standards. 🙌

not_princess_leia | not_princess_leia

Daughter exposes dad's double standards and wins the argument 🎉

Elephant_homie | Elephant_homie

Commenter addresses father's unhealthy views on women with concern 😬

[deleted] | [deleted]

Calling out misogyny and family secrets - NTA wins!

justhereinitlol | justhereinitlol

Standing up for yourself can be tough, but it's worth it 💪

elemele12 | elemele12

Empathetic reply to teenager's family issues with uplifting message 🙌

Subjective-Suspect | Subjective-Suspect

Teen stands up to misogynistic dad in uncovering family secret.

AphRN5443 | AphRN5443

Empowering comment to a strong woman standing up against sexism 🙌

WITtwit | WITtwit

Teen shares heartbreaking experience with traditional and misogynistic dad 😞

lavender2569 | lavender2569

Teen receives support after calling out dad for double standards.

bonboncolon | bonboncolon

Supportive redditor shares experience and offers help to bisexual teen 🌈

HufflepuffPrincess7 | HufflepuffPrincess7

Breaking down the double standard 🤝 NTA for calling it out

BloodQueen93 | BloodQueen93

Teen calls out dad for double standards and heteronormative dance practices 💃

GroovyLlama1 | GroovyLlama1

Empowering teens to stand up against double standards 💪

Scarlet529 | Scarlet529

Navigating abusive parents - advice from experience 💪

Joe_mama_89 | Joe_mama_89

Teen's epic clapback to traditional dad sparks family secret reveal 💥

TheRealSpitfire | TheRealSpitfire

Inappropriate dad joke exposed by brave teen 👀

silentcomfortable7 | silentcomfortable7

Commenter calls out sexist dad for nauseating values 🤮

confetticake-unicorn | confetticake-unicorn